Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Prachanda's Transitional Republic

Audio: Interview With Prachanda

You can accuse Prachanda of many things, but dishonesty and deception are not among them. He is a smart guy, no doubt about it. He is mentally sharp, organizationally savvy. And when he says he is willing to fight to the finish, I do believe him.

So when he says he is for elections to a constituent assembly, I do believe him. When he says he is for a democratic republic, I do believe him. And he does mean a "capitalist" republic, he emphasizes. But then he has also never hid the fact that for him that democratic republic would only be transitory. That would not be his end goal. And when he says that, I do believe him. I don't think he is bluffing.

The two Congress parties and the UML could have come for a constituent assembly in the year 2000, but they did not. They could have come around to the idea in the year 2004, but they did not. It took a royal coup for them to see the light. Even after the 2/1 coup, the Koirala Congress dithered for months before it finally came around to the idea.

My point being the Maoists have been taking the initiative. They were the first to declare a ceasefire, they have been the first to form a team for peace talks.

The seven party alliance can do better than this. If not, there is an urgent need for a new political party.

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The seven parties were not the ones to take the initiative on the constituent assembly.

These are the next few agenda items on which the seven parties could take the lead.
  1. Fast paced peace talks with concrete results. If that might involve the UN and others, then so be it. Somewhere along the way Maoist abductions and extortions will have to come to a complete stop. Without that no constituent assembly elections can be imagined.
  2. The structure of the constituent assembly: one person, one vote. I have proposed 300 seats of roughly equal population. (Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal Population)
  3. Federal republic. I believe the seven party alliance should adopt that as their stated goal before they go for the constituent assembly elections.
  4. And the only way to counter Prachanda's transitory republic talk is to reinvent democracy itself. A cutting edge total, transparent democracy where parties are not allowed to raise funds, instead they get state funds in direct proportion to the number of votes they earn.
I hope the seven parties can come around to these four agenda items before the Maoists do. Otherwise the Maoists will leave them in the dust. And if the seven parties will not do it, I don't see how we can avoid the idea of a new political party.

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क्षमताभन्दा दोब्बर बढी बोकेको टेम्पो नहरमा
घाइते बचाउन टेलिमेडिसिन
बारको अडान फेरियो
'अहिलेकै संविधानबाट अघि बढ्नुपर्छ'
सुरक्षाकर्मी-माओवादी भलाकुसारी
बाबुछोरै मारिएपछि परिवारको बिचल्ली
संविधानसभाबारे छलफल
६ अध्यादेश खारेज
अतिक्रमण गर्नेलाई कारबाहीको चेतावनी
अविश्वसनीय मिलापत्र
पाँचौ आयाम
संविधानसभाका अन्तर्वस्तु


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सुरक्षाकर्मी-माओवादी भलाकुसारी

शाहीमान राई

भोजपुर, वैशाख २६ - आपसी कटुता बिर्सिएर सुरक्षाकर्मी र माओवादीले खुला संवाद थालेका छन् । युद्धविरामपछि सदरमुकाम झरेका माओवादी सर्वसाधारणसँग पनि उत्तिकै

भलाकुसारी गर्छन् ।

तपाईंहरू कसका निम्ति लड्दैहुनुहुन्छ ? एक माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले सैनिक जवानलाई सोद्धै भने- 'हामी त जनताको निम्ति लडेका हौं ।' ती सैनिक जवानले हास्दै जवाफ दिए- 'हामी पनि देशकै लागि ।' शाही सेनाका अर्का जवानले पनि माओवादी किसान नेता हरिबहादुर बुढाथोकीसित भने- 'तपाइर्ंहरूले हामीलाई घर जान दिनुभएन, अपहरण, कुटपिट, यातना र हत्यासमेत गनर्ुभयो । वषौर्ंदेखि परिवार भेट्न पाएका छैनौं ।'

युद्धकालमा सेना र माओवादी दुवैले आफूमाथि अन्याय परेको गुनासो गर्दै थिए उनीहरू । 'एकआपसमा मारामार गरिरहेका छौं, अब त्यसो नगरौं' माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले भने- 'सेना माओवादी हामी सबै दाजुभाइ ।' उनले सैनिक जवानलाई भने- 'तिमीहरू राजाको शासन थाम्ने खम्बामात्र हौ ।'

माओवादी निकट अखिल क्रान्तिकारीद्वारा आयोजित खुला सभा गर्दै शनिबारदेखि सदरमुकाम प्रवेश गरेका माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले केही दिनपछि माथिल्लो निकायको उपस्थितिमा जनसभा गर्ने बताएका

छन् । अघिल्ला युद्धविराममा भने यसरी माओवादीका कुनै कार्यकर्ता सदरमुकाममा खुला हिँडेका

थिएनन् । माओवादी एक युवतीले फेरि सोधिन्- 'तपाईंहरू शाही सेना कि राष्ट्रिय सेना ?' सैनिक युवाले अक्मकिँदै भने- 'हामी पनि तपाईंहरूजस्तै ।

चार दिनदेखि भोजपुर सदरमुकाममा दर्जनौं माओवादी कार्यकर्ता छिरेका

छन् । ब्यापारी, शिक्षक, कर्मचारी सबैसित भेटघाट, राजनीतिक छलफल र आपmनो पार्टीको धारणा राख्ने गरेका छन् । माओवादीलाई पक्राउ गर्ने, थुन्ने, यातना दिने, मार्ने, गोली हान्ने सुरक्षाकर्मी र सुराकी, सामन्त, शोषक, अपराधीको नाममा सेना, प्रहरी र तिनका परिवारलाई अपहरण गर्ने, घरजग्गा कब्जा गरी विस्थापित गराउने माओवादीबाट अहिले सर्वसाधारणले राहत महसुस गरेका छन् । अनन्तले सैनिक जवानलाई सम्झाउँदै भने- 'हामी सबै नेपाली दाजुभाइ हौं, मारामार गर्न हुन्न ।' माओवादी आक्रमणबाट जोगिन सदरमुकामस्थित प्रहरी कार्यालयको कम्पाउन्ड फलामे तारजालीले बलियो घेराबन्दी गरेका डीएसपी नलप्रसाद उपाध्यायलगायत सरकारी कर्मचारीसित समेत माओवादीले प्रत्यक्ष कुराकानी गरिरहेका छन् ।


Anonymous said...

You are contradicting yourself. First, you glorify Prachanda as honest and undeceitful. Then, you believe he wants a "capitalist" democratic republic but then you also believe it's only transitional, which begs the question, what's next.

To me, Prachanda sounds both dishonest and deceitful. He may be a smart guy but that is hardly a sufficient criteria for gaining the trust of the people. And I mean trust without the guns.

The SPA has a huge accountability - to the people and the Parliament. The Maoists on the other hand have no accountability. Any mistakes the Maoists make, from collecting extortions and shooting civilians during the time of ceasefire, nobody is held accountable. Without accountability not to mention an iota of internal democracry, sure the Maoists can take any "initiatives" more conveniently -- they don't have to convince anyone or build any kind of consensus. But that does not give them any moral high ground.

For example, what was the procedure for forming the team for peace talks? There is hardly any transparency into it. And with the absence of both high-level leaders, the authority of the team is suspect.

For you, it seems easy enough to take their word of commitment to "multi-party democracy". I will believe it only when they start practicing a semblance of democracy within their party and their areas of influence.

There is a difference between accepting multi-party democracy vs. advocating and believing in multi-party democracy.

Anonymous said...

I think we have to confront him. If the "capitalist" republic is only transitory to you, what's next? And how long will the "capitalist" republic last, should last? And how do you expect to move on to that next step? And so on.

I do not glorify Prachanda. I am a democrat, a free marketeer. It is just that I believe in a politial solution to the insurgency. Getting the Maoists to shift from the goal of a communist republic to a democratic republic is an achievement.

We need your caution, but also need my engagement with the Maoists. We need both.

Anonymous said...

Getting the Maoists to shift from the goal of a communist republic to a democratic republic is an achievement.

But have they really? Do we believe their words or their action?

Anonymous said...

the blog is cool i liked it but i didnt read all of them