Beloved Peoples Of Nepalland.
One fine morning, as I was roaming by the Phewa lake in Pokhara, I heard shouts. It looked like people were out in the streets. Although I could not see them, as I like to stay well protected, I could hear them. As you all know, it has always been the tradition of the Shaha dynasty to listen to the people, I there and then decided that if people are out demanding democracy, it must be because I have not yet declared the date for the parliamentary elections that I promised the day I took over the reigns of power from an incompetent Deuba. I am for democracy, as are the people. The kings of Nepal have always been with the people of Nepal, something that one would be hard pressed to say about the all and sundry politician characters, especially the so-called student leaders who deprive our hard working students of their right to read books quietly.
Some foreigners say this king does not understand democracy. If I don't understand democracy, why did I organize one set of elections, and will organize another? Which king in world history ever did such a thing? This king understands democracy. Let it be loud and clear.
I am a well informed man. You can not run a country if you are not well informed. Gorkhapatra has good coverage of national and international news. So I have been aware of the hooliganism that seems to have taken over a few street corners in a few small towns in this small, unheard of country. Phikar not. The hoodlums will be taken care of.
I know what the people want. The people want peace, the people want democracy, and I intend to give them both, but my point is you can have only one at a time. I might be an incarnation of Vishnu, but I also have limitations. There are always some goonda types who will take advantage of the peace loving people of Nepal. We are a brave people and a great country, but look around, even among us there are some bad characters. But do not be afraid of them. Law and order is the first priority of my government. I have issued clear orders. Round them up, beat them up, arrest them, engage them in some chemical warfare, throw tear gas, let them have bronchitis when they grow old. And if nothing works, shoot a few of them. Make an example of a few smartass bastards. That will teach them a lesson.
You tell me. Am I to look after the welfare of the 27 million Nepalis or a few hundred, a few thousand - okay, lets say even a few hundred thousand - hoodlums? You tell me. Should I be with the people, or should I worry about the so-called human rights of these few hoodlums? If you give these goondas an inch, they will then want a mile. I am telling you.
I have a personal motto I have lived by all my life. I will break, but I will not bend. These people are trying to bend me. Who do they think they are?
Long story short. Stay tuned. The date for elections will be broadcast at midnight tonight. If you miss the announcement, you will not get to blame me. You will have only yourselves to blame. Bush talked of War On Terror, I talked of War On Terror. Bush talks of personal responsibility, I am also going to talk of personal responsibility.
May Lord Pashu Bless You.
Long Live King Prithvi, who by the way is our George Washington.
Me? I am Abraham Lincoln. I liberated 27 million Nepalis from Deuba. Remember February 1st?
BBC Radio
आम हडतालको पाँचौं दिन-10.04.06
आम हडतालको चौथो दिन-09.04.06
आम हडतालको तेस्रो दिन-08.04.06
आम हडतालको दोस्रो दिन-07.04.06
आम हडतालको पहिलो दिन-06.04.06
काठमाडौं चैत्र २३ कर्फ्यु-05.04.06
कृष्णबहादुर महरा-10.04.06
गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइराला-10.04.06
Interview: Gagan Thapa Samudaya
Arjun Parajuli Poems
In The News
US issues harsh rebuke to Nepal's King Reuters AlertNet, UK
Nepal plunges into anarchy as violence spreads to interiors
Nepal torn by more turmoil Advertiser Adelaide, Australia
Nepal rebels vow more anti-monarchy action
Nepal parties defy curfew orders, 15 activists arrested Hindu, India
Daytime curfew in Nepal as protestors clash with police
Curfew extended for third day in Nepal Times of India, India
Curfew extended for third day in Nepal, agitation to continue
NEPAL: Nationwide protests continue despite government warning
No logic in supporting Nepal King: Richard Boucher
Protests continue in Nepal despite curfew, 130 arrested
Nepal: after reports of death and injury, UN calls on army to use ... UN News Centre
Thousands defy Nepal curfew Mumbai Mirror, India
New Clashes Erupt in Nepal‘s Capital The Kindred Times, Utah
Nepal police open fire on anti-monarchy protesters
Protestors in Nepal take to streets, defy curfew University at Buffalo The Spectrum, NY
Government and parties both stubborn, both continue their own ...
Nepali govt ready to hold dialogue with political parties ...
Nepal Protesters Continue Democracy Push Examiner.com, CA
NEPAL: Nepal's king fails to quell protests Asia Pacific Media Network, CA
UN to Nepal: Control Use of Force Prensa Latina, Cuba
US calls on King to restore democracy in Nepal Sify, India
Nepal: Fears of increasing violence Amnesty International USA
NEPAL: Publication of the Human Rights Yearbook 2006 of INSEC OMCT World Organisation Against Torture, Switzerland
Age of No Reason: How the pseudo-revolutionaries are destroying ... American Chronicle, CA
Facts about Nepal, its political unrest San Jose Mercury News, USA
Jana Andolan 1990 Revisited -- IV Nepalnews.com, Nepal
Serious difference in Cabinet: BBC Nepalnews.com, Nepal
Minister’s party stresses for dialogue
Tens of thousands demonstrate across India
Kantipur Publications denied curfew pass
Nepal police shoot protesters, kill another person Reuters
Serious difference in Cabinet: BBC NepalNews
Night-time curfew extended in Kathmandu
Minister’s party stresses for dialogue
Over 200 protestors arrested in Dailekh
Over 90 demonstrators arrested in Pokhara and Dhangadhi
Solidarity rallies organised in Indian cities
People continue to defy curfew orders on Monday
Hats off to the pro-democracy activists!
Doctors intensify protest demonstrations Kantipur Publications
SPA leaders vow to continue movement
Demonstrations continue; scores arrested, injured
FNJ condemns curfew, brutal use of force to suppress movement
Teachers take to streets in Pokhara, 57 arrested
Curfew hours changed in Katmandu Valley
HR situation deteriorated in post Feb 1 period, says report
Police release TKP journo
Tens of thousands demonstrate across India
Govt. could take stern measure to quell SPA strike: Home Minister
Demonstrators continue to defy curfew, 1 killed in Banepa; dozens injured in clashes; parties to continue strike
Protests rocks Pokhara
Woman succumbs to bullet injuries, curfew defied in Chitwan
Curfew imposed in several districts
अवज्ञाको दमन तीव्र
आमहडताल जारी रहने
भारतका चार सहरमा प्रदर्शन
थप दमनको संकेत
पोखरा र चितवन तनावग्रस्तगोली लागी १० घाइत
मुलुकभर कफ्र्यु अवज्ञा
आन्दोलन सशक्त बनाउन आह्वान
आन्दोलन तीव्र, दर्जनौं घाइते
कफ्र्युको अवज्ञा
जाग्दैछ आन्दोलन
विशेष ः संविधानसभा-बहस १७ अग्रगमन पक्षधर राजनीतिक शक्तिहरूबीच साझा आधार बन्दैछ संविधानसभा
Nepal On Photo News: Day 4, Day 3, Day 1.
Samudaya: Agitation In Kathmandu Part 1, Part 2. Patan April 6 5:30-7:30 PM: Part 1, Part 2.
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