Some Questions For Moriarty
- Are you aware of the magnitude of the furor you have created in Nepal and in the Nepali diaspora and among the friends of Nepal? Are you aware the magnitude is greater than the furor created by Prachanda recently through his three major interviews?
- Are you into this for the glamor of it?
- Why do you keep describing the king as a constitutional force? Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court of Nepal that has given a very clear hint as to the lack of constitutionality of the king's status since the coup last year?
- Would you describe 2/1 as a coup? If not, how would you describe it?
- If peace and democracy be the goal for Nepal, the king is the number one roadblock, the number one villain, the number one hindrance to that end. Would you agree?
- You want the king and the seven party alliance to seek common ground. The Maoists want the king, the seven party alliance and themselves to seek common ground. Are the Maoists one step ahead of you?
- Are you for or against the idea of a roundtable conference as put forth by the Maoists?
- If a constituent assembly was good for Iraq, it is good also for Nepal. True or false?
- Which Maoist outfit in the world has ever stood for a constituent assembly?
- Which Maoist outfit in the world has ever declared a unilateral ceasefire like the Nepali Maoists?
- Which Maoist outfit in the world has ever consistently respected the UN?
- Are you ideologically against the idea of UN involvement in Nepal's peace process? If so, why?
- Do you think your understanding of the Nepali Maoists is too bookish? In that your knowledge of the Nepali Maoists depends more on what groups with similar names did in places like Cambodia, Peru, even China?
- How much of the recent Nepali Maoist literature have you read?
- Does the 12 point agreement not make it clear that the Maoists are for multi-party democracy, rule of law and human rights?
- The Maoists claim they have made an ideological leap from the goal of a communist republic to a democratic republic. Do you believe them or not?
- And if it is true they have made that leap and are in the process of such a transformation, would you agree that that is a very difficult undertaking on their part?
- Have you heard of or read about any Maoist or communist outfit in the world that might have made such an ideological leap?
- If not, can the Nepali Maoists be credited with some originality?
- If indeed they are in the process of making such an ideological leap, do you think your hostility towards them makes it harder for them to make such an ideological leap? And if such a leap be in the best interests of peace and democracy, are you actually hurting the prospects of peace and democracy in Nepal?
- Is America a republic? Why is it a republic? Why is it not a monarchy? Why does it not have a constitutional monarchy? If a constitutional monarchy be such a good idea, will America today invite the Queen Of England to play that role in America as well? Monarchies can be reinstalled.
- What is so wrong with the idea of a democratic republic for Nepal?
- Was the American war for independence peaceful? Was the American civil war to abolish slavery peaceful? Was the French revolution peaceful? Were the American and French revolutions communist revolutions?
- Nepal is number one in terms of human rights violations in the world today. Do you think the king as the chief executive needs to be taking responsibility? 75% of the deaths in Nepal's civil war have been the RNA's doing? Should the RNA be taking responsibility?
- There is this widespread feeling that you have been harsh on the seven party alliance, and not at all harsh on the king? Why not? If the king is the number one villain, then why not?
- A lot of the Kathmandu intelligentsia are harsh on the political parties, more so than on the king. Are you like them?
- What are the differences between Gyanendra and Musharraf on the democracy question?
- Will America provide logistical support to the seven party alliance's peaceful democracy movement? If not, why not?
- If the military aid to the RNA has cost America millions of dollars, will America support the democracy movement to the tune of a few hundred thousand dollars? If not, why not?
- Why was the introduction of democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan violent? Can democracy be introduced in Nepal peacefully? If yes, what makes Nepal so different and special?
- What if the king sticks to his so called roadmap? Will you keep lecturing the seven party alliance?
- Do you lecture the seven party alliance because they are out of power and thus easy targets?
- Do you lecture the king like you lecture the seven party alliance?
- You have never met Prachanda or Baburam, the seven party leaders have. Why are you right about the two, why are the seven party leaders wrong?
- If the Maoists were to agree to either integrate the two armies or abolish the two armies before the country goes through a constituent assembly, would your fears about the Maoists evaporate off? If not, why not? Could you get the king to come around to the idea of abolishing the two armies?
- King Gyanendra is a dictator. True or false?
- What do you think of this: Proposed Republican Constitution 2006?
India, Europe, US For A Constituent Assembly
Moriarty Deserves Your Ears
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