Home Minister Thapa warns of action against parties NepalNews Kamal Thapa has said the government would not hesitate to take any kind of action against the political parties if they do not withdraw their agreement with the Maoists......... Thapa said the parties have been pursuing the Maoist agenda and that the government would not remain silent if the agreement were not canceled. “What has been publicized as the second understanding is nothing but the Maoist agenda. The parliamentary parties committed a blunder,” he said....... Thapa said there was no difference between the parties and the Maoists’ activities in recent days....... He claimed that the government was poised to foil the 12-point agreement signed between the seven parties and Maoists. He said that the understanding has further intensified conflict in the country........ "Government will never reach to an agreement with the terrorist groups," he said...... Seven parties, in their renewed understanding with the rebels, said they were ready to restore peace and democracy in the country and bring the rebels into the political mainstream....... Meanwhile, reports said Thapa received an audience with the king on Friday. In the two-hour long discussion with the king, Thapa is learnt to have explained the security situation of the country.
This guy is headed into the ditch. That is not news. The news is he is going to take the king down with him. Misery loves company. These two have fundamental character flaws. They complete each other's sentences.
What I am preaching is militant non-violence.
(1) You don't wait around until they take you to jail. You go underground to coordinate the Big Day.
(2) Defy the curfew. Organize to get hundreds of thousands of people out into the streets at once. Imagine each possible scenario beforehand and have a plan B for each.
(3) Think in terms of declaring a revolutionary parliament. This will be the 1999 House, but this will not function under the purview of the 1990 constitution. It will promulgate an interim constitution that it will declare itself. That interim constitution will declare the country a republic. The interim president is declared Commander In Chief of the army. The army top brass gets purged of all the unsavory elements.
(4) Tit for tat. All those who might give and/or carry out orders to inflict physical attacks on peaceful demonstrators will be subjected to loss of liberty and property. They will be promptly brought to justice. Capital punishment is illegal in Nepal, and that is fine. But inflicting loss of liberty and property will be fine. You can not beckon the people to come out into the streets and possibly die, but not have concrete plans to punish those who might do the killing. And if you are not going to punish the killers, don't ask the people to come out into the streets.
(5) Wave after wave after wave. That is what it has to feel like after April 8. I don't see dialogue in the offing. But even if there is to be dialogue, it will only happen if we prepare thinking it will not happen.
(6) The time for movement is over. Now it is time for a revolution. This revolution needs only two words to take off: Democratic Republic.
Second pact with Maoists one more blunder: Thapa Parties serve ... Gorkhapatra, Nepal
Home Minister Thapa warns of action against parties
Thapa Defends Raids on Nepal Brothers
Kamal Thapa's RPP for 'Nationalist' Alliance Himalayan Times, Nepal
Nepal Taken to Detention from House Arrest NewsLine Nepal, Nepal
UML condemns seizure of communication equipments from Nepal’s ...
Govt firm to restore peace, hold polls: Thapa Gorkhapatra, Nepal
Parties trapped in the Maoists’ conspiracy: Home Minister ThapaNepalnews.com, Nepal
Maoist-parties alliance trying to displace state: Home Minister Kantipur Online, Nepal
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Mr. Kamal Thapa sucks...He is a perfect bootlicker obeying his Master just to cling to power because he clearly knows that he won't be re-elected if there is any free and fair election...he is the most corrupt (mis)leader...after months of progress he finally showed the world that his and Mr. Tulsi Giri's status and nature are same!
i think this whole thing is crap..america ma basera bhanna is easy..! come to nepal.. then u will know wat actually it is.. if u want to know the real scenario..come back home..its easier to preach...its easier said than done..stop sensitizing people! stop exploiting the media with this crap! if u have the guts.. come to nepal.. see the real scenario! n then make judgement.. pin pointing one person is pure biasness.. come out of it.. if you r democratic enough.. then stop prejudice!
exactly.....u living in NYC....and so easily giving out ur views on this and that...what do u know abt the politics thass happening in nepal???i guess u are a supporter of the maoists that kidnap whole schools in order to recruit in their army....yeah of course the same maoists u support who leave teachers to die after slitting their throats.....or yeah u also want the leaders who ruled nepal for abt 12 yrs and did the same amt of damage to nepal as the ranas in a hundred yrs and more damage than in the 30 yrs of panchayat era.....the same leaders who sold off tracts of nepalese land......tanakpur dam....made nepal a joke with scams like lauda air......those same very leaders who run off to india at every excuse to take orders from indian politicians......u want that don't u???
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