Kantipur Interview With Deuba It would have been easy for the two parties (Nepali Congress and Nepali Congress-Democratic) to unite before their last general conventions. Now both parties have formed their own village, area and district level committees. Both have their own sister organisations. Even Prachanda has said that it (understanding) needs some amendments. Right? They may say Sher Bahadur is acting smart, so I don't want to speak about it right now...... Didn't our party overthrow the Rana rule in 1951? We also took up arms- is it only Prachanda? Wasn't the 1950 movement an armed revolution? If we do not want to compromise with the king for democracy, the same applies in the case of Prachanda. Prachanda can talk about amendments (in the understanding) but when I say the same, it causes a nationwide furore? Isn't it mentioned in the second point of the same understanding itself that additions and deletions can be made? Hasn't the king done injustice to me? Hadn’t Moriarty cautiously welcomed the 12-point understanding? After that Prachanda condemned only and only the US. Why? You tell me! I was surprised when the US cautiously welcomed (the understanding) as the US has a worldwide policy against terrorism. But both Prachanda and Baburam (Baburam Bhattarai) vehemently criticised the US. The US is the world's only super power for the next 20-30 years. I have concerns for the Maoists that are not only mine but the Nepalese people's and the international community's too. The Maoists should make us trust them on the fundamental issues (of democracy). It is still a fear as to what the Maoists will do once they come in power, within as well as outside Nepal. On the one hand, (there is) the fear of the king; on the other- Prachanda's. Is anybody assured? Everybody has the suspicion that (the Maoists) will bring one-party authoritarianism in the name of ‘people-ism’. I have some agendas which I will put before the seven parties. My interest is democracy. No compromise with it, neither with the king nor with Prachanda.
The Maoists have to reassure the Nepalese people and the international community. Otherwise, thousands more may be killed here. Trying to remove the king through constituent assembly- what if the king does not agree? Will they allow private media organisation like yours or not? Will they allow independent radio stations, television channels to operate or not? Will they allow competitive free trade or not? Will they allow private property or not? Will they too interfere with the independent judiciary like the king? Civil society is free; will it remain so or not? Will the parties be allowed to carry out their activities in a free manner? The Maoists can protest against us; will we be allowed to protest against them? There is this feeling that this non-political army (government army) has been troubling, that it (government army) has gone to the extent of detaining the Prime Minister; what will their (Maoists') political army do? How to make it non-political? What will their economic policy be like?... Personally, I accept the Maoists' social agendas, for example the one about ending feudalism. Here, somebody has been kept at even Prachanda's father's house as household help, and in Baburam's father's house. ..... the king is already trouble; Prachanda, too, will trouble us in the future.
The king likes me; it's just that we disagree over the values of democracy! The King does not like this Constitution. He wants to rule with a rubber stamp parliament under him. Will the king, who says the rights given to him by this Constitution are not enough, announce constituent assembly elections? Will we accept it if the Maoists bring a one-party authoritarian rule? Prachanda said that he would agree if the constituent assembly suggested active monarchy. Rather, I do not want such a constituent assembly. Is it possible to completely disarm (them)? One thing, the king will not agree and another, there should be a situation where all can be assured of the Maoists' commitment. Everyone has the fear as to what the constituent assembly is going to bring. Some are afraid of the king, while others are scared of the Maoists. One cannot say what the members of the constituent assembly will do. I am not against constituent assembly...... My concern is the people will not be able to cast their votes in a free and fair manner. How the constituent assembly is going to be free and fair is a tricky question. ..... the King will never allow it. We are to bring democracy through public pressure. I don’t think the king will grant it. Who will announce the constituent assembly then? Or they should say it will be brought once the King steps down. We have to achieve it through the people's movement. Maybe Prachanda will accept active monarchy; I won’t. We had accepted the results of the referendum, but we did not accept the Panchayat system. Though I became Prime Minister thrice, I am an unlucky man! I still believe that one should help the army. However, the army helped the king both times I was sacked. The Prime Minister is the chairman (of the Security Council). The army is mobilised only on the recommendation of the Security Council. I don’t want to talk politics about the army. We need to assure that we are not against the army. The army receives its salary from the people’s taxes; they should respect the people's human rights. They are the Nepalese army...A few minor mistakes do occur. I have been blindly giving whatever the army has asked for. Can we disband the army? It is our army. We should, improve it. The king may agree or not, but we need to assure them that they don't need to comply with whatever the king says. The king is the Supreme Commander of the army. Even in England, the Queen is the Supreme Commander. I feel for the army and I want to respect the army as they have endured quite a lot and fought. There might be psychological problems within the army as well as they are facing international pressure. You should understand their problems. How can I speak against the same army that I loved, respected and helped just because the king detained me? All of them are nice and educated. They speak such good English. They respect human rights when on international peacekeeping missions. But I can’t understand what gets into them here. Nepalis do well abroad but fail to achieve the same in their own country. I don’t understand! None of us had opted for a constituent assembly; we chose it because of the king. ...... his intention is not good. He does not have good intentions towards democracy.
He is not in the mentality of becoming a constitutional king. Whether the monarch remains or not is not my concern; democracy should be there. I don’t care whether Prachanda comes into power or not; democracy should be there. It's not that there will be democracy once the king steps down. But let the king worry about his problems. The king should hand over the power to the seven parties. I was once accused of being used by the Maoists, and then by the King. Ganeshmanji once said that I was Girija Babu’s puppet. How many times do I have to bear such allegations? I have been telling them to tell the king to hand over power to the seven parties. But, the king is not going to listen to them. America, too, is worried that people more dangerous than the King may come (in power). Transform yourselves, become totally democratic. Maoists, too, are Nepalis. Come forward and run for the elections. If we become a republic, you can be the president. If you can, be the Prime Minister. Democracy is the destination. I do not have anything against any of the ways to reach it.
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"The King likes me."
- Deuba
Psychologists like Arzu Rana will describe that statement as the emotional dependence of the abused upon the abuser. The king likes you?
But to Deuba's credit, he is open to Nepal becoming a republic. He is for a constituent assembly. He just wants elections to such an assembly be free and fair. It is not possible to disgaree with him on that count.
Deuba will likely take a lot of heat when he is in New York in a few days. He seems to be quite a controversial figure. That is a good trait in a politician. You are making debate possible.
He almost has this image of someone who is against the 12 point agreement. How did he end up with that image?
The primary reason is that he did not criticize two of the points in the agreement in a balanced way. Why did he not start out by praising the 10 points first? Why did he not express appreciation for all those who made the agreement possible and got the Maoists to commit to a multi-party framework? If the idea is to move on to steps 1, 2 and 3, and you do want to end up at step 3, why are you so offended that step 1 was taken? Why are you not appreciative instead?
His criticism of the 12 point agreement did not strike the right balance. He has managed to hurt the chances of new rounds of talks between the Maoists and the parties. Such talks would have productively addressed his concerns.
So the news is not that he raised his concerns, but he raised them in ways that hurt the chances of those concerns getting addressed in productive ways.
Not to say the two Congress factions are nowhere close to integrating. They will stay on as two separate parties. That is the hint I get. And that is just fine. As long as the coalition stays strong, the movement will do just fine. After all even a party like the Congress has a few thousand key people. The masses will make the right choice when given the chance. Democracy will work just fine even if the Congress does not reunite. Girija Koirala has for too long tried to rub too many noses in the dust to have the political capital to reunite the two factions, it looks like. Or maybe the two leaders will bury the past, and create new ground.
March 22 Event, Deuba In New York
Email From Arzu Rana Deuba
On the part of the rest of the alliance, why is it that when someone raises very specific questions about two specific points in the 12 point agreement, you get the impression that person is against the entire understanding?
In The News
सङ्कटमा १२ बुँदा Himal
आश जगाउने ठोस अभ्यास
जनआन्दोलनका लागि युद्धविराम
'घुन अर्थात् जनता पिसिन्छन् नै'
स्थानीय तहमा दल–माओवादी सम्बन्ध: एकलाई अर्कोको विश्वास छैन
दरबारको पोल खोल्ने किताब
राजाको शासनको असर: विकास भुतुक्कै
राजबन्दी रिहा गर
रु.५० अर्ब यताउता
अन्तिम ध्वंसको तयारी!
शाही आयोग खारेजीले दिएका सन्देश
अब नाराचाहिँ गणतन्त्रकै दिनुपर्छ
समस्या अर्थ–विकास नीतिको
'जनसत्ता' छाडे माओवादीले
आफ्नै सुरक्षा छैनः कसरी गर्ने जनताको काम?
सक्रिय राजावादीहरूको बदलिएको स्वर
Please circulate....
A Conversation about Human Rights Situation in Nepal
led by Anjana Shakya , Executive Chairperson of HimRights
Come hear Ms. Anjana Shakya talk about the deteriorating human rights situation in Nepal, and participate in a conversation about how you can get involved in finding a solution.
Ms. Shakya is the founding chairperson of Himalayan Human Rights Monitors (HimRights), one of the leading human rights organizations in Nepal. In addition to other programs, HimRights also operates Lifeline, a 24-hour hotline for victims and potential victims of severe human rights violations.
Date: Friday, March 24th
Time: 6:00 pm
Venue: Himalayan Yak Restaurant
72-20 Roosevelt Avenue, Jackson Heights, Queens
Directions: Take E,F,R,V train to Roosevelt Avenue stop or #7 train to 74th Street stop. Walk to 72nd and Roosevelt (near Broadway).
Light snacks will be provided.
Please RSVP to adhikaar@gmail.com
Suggested donation: $5 (no one will be turned away for lack of funds)
This event is sponsored by Adhikaar (www.adhikaar.org), a human rights and social justice organization working for the rights of Nepali communities everywhere.
"If you have some power, it is your job to empower somebody else." - Toni Morrison
Dear Nepali community members and friends of Nepal.
Former Prime Minister and President of Nepali Congress (Democratic), Sher Bahadur Deupa is visiting the United States from March 21, 2006.
The Nepalese Democratic Youth Council in USA (NDYCUSA) is taking this opportunity to invite you to an interaction program with Mr. Deupa. This event is a part of the NDYCUSA’s long tradition of bringing our community members together and sharing our views on the current issues affecting Nepal. This important event will provide us with an important opportunity to hear directly from Mr. Deupa about the current situation and the ongoing democratic movement in Nepal.
This programe is also sponsored by Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights in Nepal and America Nepal Friendship Society.
Venue: Satyanarayan Mandir hall (2nd Floor), 75-15 Woodside Avenue, Elmhurst, New York 11373 (The nearest 7, F, E, R & G train stops are 74th Street & Broadway and Roosevelt Avenue station, Jackson Heights, Queens)
Date & Time: Friday, March 24, 2006 7:00 pm
We hope to see you all at the program.
Sincerely yours,
Anand Bist
President, Nepalese Democratic Youth Council in USA (NDYCUSA)
For more information, contact:
Ananda Bista 718-507-1393, Khgendra GC 212-947-1079, Dr.Tara Niraula 212-491-0378, Sanjaya Parajuli 917-902-2667, Mohan Gyawali 646-299-0447.
Kathmandu Kitchen
You and your friends
to attend an interactive talk program on the Current Nepali Situation
with Mr. Sher Bahadaur Deuba
(Three time Prime Minister)
everyone is wellcome to join the event.
Date & Time: 10.30 A. M, March 26, Sunday
Place: Kathmandu Kitchen, Towson.
For more Information please contact;
Dinesh Tripathi (443-854-3910)
Krishna Kandel (410-419-8940)
Mohan Thapa (410-493-3848)
Kiran Pantha (410-627-7121)
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