(1) Organize one or more political parties locally. (Janata Dal Constitution) Keep its components open as well as clandestine to maximize the safety of the members.
(2) If more than one party, form a coalition.
(3) Let there be a build up of protest rallies in many villages and towns to culminate in one decisive protest rally in the capital city. (Take Over Tundikhel) Depending on the local conditions, you might face a military crackdown, or the regime might fall, or you might have to declare the formation of a parallel government that the international community must come forth and recognize.
(4) The coalition government thus formed is the interim government to function under an interim constitution that will take the country through a constituent assembly to draft the country a new democratic constitution. (Proposed Republican Constitution 2006)
(1) Get organized, stay organized. Form organizations, form umbrella organizations, form coordination councils to reach out to the diaspora in other countries.
(2) Stay in regular touch. Use the internet to the max for the purpose. Use tools like Google Talk, Blogger, Google Video. Set up shop in the border towns and the nearby big cities.
(3) Lobby foreign governments, and supra national organizations all the way to the UN. Work the media. Become your own media.
(4) Raise funds. Fund the movement to the max. Three components to power: money, message, organization. Set up a mechanism that has high standards of accountability.
International Community
(1) Enforce the international laws and treaties and declarations that serve the cause of human rights.
(2) Fund the democracy movement. Provide logistical support to the war with communications technology under way.
(3) Issue regular statements of support.
(4) Impose smart sanctions against the autocratic regime. Impose economic sanctions if need be. Take action in the Security Council if the human rights situation might thus beckon.
(5) Recognize the parallel government should it have to be formed.
(6) Take the dictators to the International Criminal Court, or help set up country tribunals in the aftermath. Help set up Truth And Reconciliation Commissions.
The Demosphere Manifesto
5 Steps To Democracy
On The Web
Harvard Asia Pacific Review
Speak Truth To Power Defender
ZNet |China | Hong-Kong's Democracy Movement
China: Human Rights & the Democracy Movement
DEMOCRACY: Movement in Cuba
World Movement for Democracy - Promoting Labor Rights
IALHI News Service: Right to Organize
Human Rights in China
World Movement for Democracy: Third Assembly
UP for Democracy | Home
USNews.com: Ukraine's suddenly assertive democracy movement has ...
Direct Democracy links
A Movement for Workplace Democracy? - Global Policy Forum - Social ...
Ming the Mechanic: A new paradigm democracy movement?
Innovations in Democracy
Beyond Voting Campaign : Lumpen: Building a Real Democracy in the ...
Youth Movement for Democracy - Resources
Unions and the Fight for Multi-Racial Democracy
Democracy For Nepal (DFN): Blogalaxy For Global Democracy
IRI : Around The Globe
Zapatista Consulta
Democracy Now! | The Free Speech Movement: Reflections on Berkeley ...
Rise of Iraq’s new labor movement
Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran
Youth Movement for Democracy
Democracy For Nepal (DFN): The Demosphere Manifesto
Organize, Strategize, Revitalize -- In These Times
ARDA - Alliance for Reform and Democracy in Asia
ACT for Disarmament - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IRAQ: Ibrahim Jaafari - Council on Foreign Relations
Herman Benson: The New Unity Partnership, Bureaucratizing to Organize?
We Organize With Love In Our Hearts: building an anti-war movement ...
China: Briefing on EU concerns regarding human rights in China ...
Democratizing the Global Economy—Empowering Workers, Building ...
New Patriot: Don't mourn. Organize.
Media Transparency: Recipient Grants: National Endowment for Democracy
Community organizing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Toward a Global Movement
This is no Way to Organize Chaos.: Democracy is More Than a Word
World Movement for Democracy
E-Notes: Fifteen Years After Tiananmen: Persistence, Memory and ...
Open Directory - Society: Politics: Campaigns and Elections ...
1 comment:
1) Keep its components open as well as clandestine to maximize the safety of the members.
Yeah, by not doing a slideshow of the HERO wannabe... hahahahaha you really are something... I really don't know why
you would do such a silly thing ... you are not exactly Brat Pitt bro... You crack me up.. but I do understand your ulterior motives for wanting people to recognise you... you really are sinister ... and I'm not just talking about your looks.. :)
4) Impose smart sanctions against the autocratic regime. Impose economic sanctions if need be. Take action in the Security Council if the human rights situation might thus beckon.
Sanctions on a third world country like Nepal ??? You should sanctions such thoughs bro... you really don't care about
Nepal or Nepaliz do you ?? Shame shame shame on you.....
(5) Recognize the parallel government should it have to be formed.
This is why we are having problems .. Two governments running in parallel and one trying to get rid of the other...
Conclusion : You are so dumb bro, I don't know why I give credit to you by writing here.....
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