There is the jungle raj like in Nepal, and there is rule of law. America is supposed to be about rule of law. The Leahy amendment makes it absolutely clear the US may not resume military aid to Nepal.
Press Conference in Nepal
... arms supplies, you are saying US assistance is putting it under review. ... It’s called the Leahy amendment and it is one that is very careful watched. ...
www.state.gov/p/sca/rls/rm/2005/46504.htm - 25k -Cached - Similar pages - Remove result Nepal: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: VIII. The Role of the ...
The International Community, Arms Supplies and Human Rights Abuses ... The Leahy Amendment is a binding provision of the Foreign Operations Appropriations ...
www.hrw.org/reports/2004/nepal1004/8.htm - 83k -Cached - Similar pages - Remove result Human Rights Watch World Report 2001 This report reviews human ...
... with many arms suppliers vying for clients and a few countries dominating the ... The Leahy Amendment, which prohibited the US from giving security ...
www.hrw.org/wr2k1/print/html/arms.htm - 64k -Cached - Similar pages - Remove result Offering aid to secure some stability -- Newsday.com
The American official in Kathmandu said Leahy's amendment has been useful in ... Cutting off Nepal's supply of guns, several of the king's advisers and ...
www.newsday.com/news/specials/ny-wonepal-wodipl0815,0,7711603.story?coll=ny-news-specialreports - 66k - Cached - Similar pages - Remove result Nepal: Military assistance contributing to grave human rights ...
This report documents how military aid and arms supplies to Nepal from ... There is also a provision within US law called the "Leahy Amendment" that ...
news.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGASA310472005?open&of=ENG-GBR - 115k - Cached - Similar pages - Remove result Samudaya.org: Resources Archives
Statement of Senator Patrick Leahy. Not only is Nepal among the world's least ... Irresponsible military aid and arms supplies to Nepal have facilitated the ...
samudaya.org/articles/archives/resources/ - 13k -Cached - Similar pages - Remove result [PDF] 06-02-22 G8 Control Arms Paper FINAL VERSION with revised ƒ
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leading arms suppliers, exporters of major conventional weapons, ... According to US law (the Leahy amendment), no US military aid may ...
www.controlarms.org/downloads/globalarmsexporters.pdf -Similar pages - Remove result [PDF] TABLE OF CONTENTS
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arms supplies to Nepal, the UK government has provided as a “gift” the ... There is also a provision within US law called the “Leahy Amendment” that ...
www.iansa.org/regions/scasia/documents/nepal-msp-report-final.pdf - Similar pages - Remove result BahasNepal has been placed in the rank of Sudan, Colombia, Iraq, ... “It is the success of the international human rights monitoring and Leahy amendment. ...
Global commitments to small arms controls under threat from US at United Nations ... According to US law (the Leahy amendment), no US military aid may be ...
albadri10.tigblog.org/?next=5 - 99k -Cached - Similar pages - Remove result
kanunisanchar.com/blog/ - 22k -Cached - Similar pages - Remove result
What is this fascist propaganda that the US is set to resume military aid to Nepal?
US could restore arms supplies to Nepal: Report NepalNews
US to restore arms supplies to Nepal Daily News & Analysis, India The difference flows out of American view of Maoists as terrorists and India's belief that the Nepali Maoists must be brought to the mainstream and should not be treated just as terrorists...... US ambassador to Nepal, James F Moriarty, has been at the forefront advocating the US policy, which is appeasing the Nepali monarch ...... “What do you gain by giving material to the Royal Nepal Army? Some more people would be killed and then the Americans will go home” ...... Camp told reporters at a press conference. “The second legal aspect is that the Leahy amendment prohibits financing security assistance to Nepal until Nepal has returned to democracy and certain conditions on human rights have been fulfilled.”
The US ambassador to Nepal does not have the option to resume military aid. He is bound by US law to not resume military aid. If anything, the human rights situation has only worsened since the Leahy amendment came into effect.
Leahy, Lion
Senator Patrick Leahy
Senator Patrick Leahy, Democrat, Vermont
Senator Leahy To US Congress On Nepal
There is no official word from either the US State Department, the Pentagon, or the US embassy in Nepal on this topic. So I am inclined to treat this guff as mere rumour, probably false because there are very clear legal implications involved.
The fascists in Nepal don't deserve arms. They deserve jail time.
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