Proposed Republican Constitution 2006
Enough is enough. It is high time we proved democracy is both right and strong. The helplessness with which hundreds of the top democracy activists and leaders in Nepal got arrested recently asks that we in the democratic undergo some fundamental rethink. I keep coming back to my proposed constitution, but it is not a finished document, it is a framework to allow for discussions by all political parties.
We have got to tip the balance in our favor. The virus has mutated. New antibiotics are needed. Old medicine has not been working.
Please click on the diagram to look at the larger version.
We have to take non-violent activism to a whole new level. We have to reinvent our strategies. Most of all, we really need to polish up our vision. We have to become more effective than we have been so far.
We have to outorganize our opponent. We need a clearer roadmap. We need a two word slogan. Right now we have a two page essay.
People in Nepal have been braving the police and the army. They are willing to die for the cause of democracy. I think it is a shame the disapora has not provided more logistical support than it has. It has provided virtually none. The most common refrain is that "they have enough money right back there," and this from people who left the country so they could make more, much more money abroad. $100 is nothing for literally every single of the 100,000 or so Nepalis in the US, but that is a month's salary for an upper middle income Nepali in Kathmandu.
In The News
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