In the first, the white is for the Himal region, the green for the Pahad, and the yellow for the Terai, and the blue is for the rivers. Please note that in my Proposed Republican Constitution 2006 Nepal has three states after the three river basins, also so named, Kosi, Gandaki, Karnali.
In the second and third models, the blue is for peace and red for prosperity.
I personally prefer the second model with the horizontal blue and red. The flag employs the two main colors used in the current flag, but now the overall look is of flattened hieararchies. I also like the simplicity. And I like the bright colors.
I got inspired by प्रवर जिसी's proposed national anthem for a republican Nepal. I think it is great. Let it be put to music. Let's start singing it right away. Is there a MP3 I can download somewhere?
भूपि शेरचन, गोपालप्रसाद रिमाल, प्रवर जिसी
गणतन्त्र नेपालको प्रस्तावित राष्ट्रगान |
रचनाः प्रवर जिसी |
संप्रभु हामी नेपाली
पौरखी वीर विवेकी
द्रविड आर्य मंगोल
सबैको साझा नेपाल
तराई पहाड हिमाल
सुन्दर शान्त विशाल
सगरमाथा शिरमा
मनैभरि लुम्बिनी
कर्णाली कोशी गण्डकी
राष्ट्रकै असीम जिन्दगी
स्वाधीन देश बचाउने
स्वतन्त्र जन हौं हामी
मित्रता न्याय रुचाउने
महान जाति हौं हामी
पौरखी वीर विवेकी
संप्रभु हामी नेपाली
२० कात्तिक २०६२, काठमाडौं।
(स्रोत: गणतन्त्र नेपाल)
Curfew Nothing To Do With MaoistsI have yet to come across a single news report foreign or domestic that says the king has successfully thwarted a violent urban uprising by the Maoists. Every source in media and government all over the world is saying the king imposed the curfew precisely to thwart the planned massive anti-king rally.
And the curfew impacted literally every citizen in the valley. So either they like the king for the discomfort or dislike him for it.
The curfew has sent our democracy message across the valley, across the country and across the world like no mass rally could have.
So thank you king.
In The News
Government continuing rights violations: Rights activists NepalNews
Army erases news tapes of foreign news channels: Report Video footage shot by CNN-IBN and Star News TV channels on Friday of soldiers inside the Koteshwor residence of CPN-UML general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal, who has been placed under house arrest, was erased by the army ...... the soldiers objected to being shown on tape surrounding Nepal's residence and inside it ...... "The officer demanding the tapes became quite unreasonable; he started contacting his seniors and became panicky." ....... the offer to erase the tapes also became unacceptable as the officer "insisted" that since he did not know the technicalities, it had to be handled by a technical team. .....
Six security men killed in Maoist attacks in Nepalgunj
214 arrested in Nepal for defying curfew Xinhua, China those arrested will be released after investigation..... hundreds of opposition activists carried out protests including torch-lit rallies in various parts of the capital as soon as the day-long curfew was lifted......
Foreign Ministry issues Nepal warning Ynetnews, Israel
Day-Long Curfew is a Moral Victory for Parties in Nepal United We Blog, Nepal its a Bandh-day called by government.... At 8:00am yesterday, the curfew began in the capital city. It ended at 6:00pm and as soon as it ended there were people rallying in various places showing that the curfew didn’t distract them. Yesterday, we experienced 18 hours of curfew. We are living in undeclared state of emergency.....I don’t know how the parties will respond to all this but judging from what international communities have said about it, they would be more enthusiatic.
Maoists kill six policemen as curfew paralyses Kathmandu Webindia123, India
Nepal curfew hits Indian airlines flights NewKerala.com, India
32,000 Nepali students barred from appearing in SLC sent-up exams People's Daily Online, China
Mayhem in Nepal, 450 arrested CNN-IBN, India ..... minor incidents of violence were reported from Koteshwar, where the Communist Party leader Madhav Nepal is under house arrest..... to prevent a seven-party pro-democracy alliance from organising a massive anti-King rally...... "This is the King's injustice, they beat us with sticks. We are not even sfraid to face bullets," a Nepali Congress Activist said........ Around 200 activists belonging to the seven-party opposition alliance were arrested from a charity home near the famous Pashupatinath Temple on Friday while they were preparing to stage a rally defying curfew.
CPI (M) condemns `repression' in Nepal Hindu, India "There is no doubt whatsoever that the King will not allow any democratic political activities. The CPI (M) is confident that the people of Nepal will respond in a big way to the call for ending the autocratic regime."
Nepal Blocks Protest Rally With Arrests and Curfew New York Times, United States
Stong protest after curfew: IFG, AI,ICJ condem ban NewKerala.com, India
UK Concerned on Nepal's Recent Political Turnout NewsLine Nepal, Nepal
Anti-royalist protest in Nepal stalled Taipei Times, Taiwan
Paramendra wrotte: And the curfew impacted literally every citizen in the valley. So either they like the king for the discomfort or dislike him for it.
The other option is that they blame the pro-democracy movement for the curfew.
man i think your idea sucks...i love the present flag...its unique and i love it...if u designed the flags the u must be out of your mind....if you wanted to make a new nepali flag is that best you could come up with...you ideas arent original...even a kid goin to primary standard could draw that and symbolize the way you did...well i think its cause of narrow-minded and low intelluctual people like yourself that nepal is what it is today...you are a shame to the nation...your idea sucks......
Subject: A proposal to build a South Asian Union (SAU) like European Union by expanding SAARC states.
His Excellencies,
Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Head of Governments & States, Political & Religious Leaders, Intellectuals, Educationists, Economists, Welfare Organizations, Mass People of South Asian region.
Peace be upon all of you, history is repeating from the creation of human life till now and will be repeated until the last final judgment of Creator. Actually, Creator created us as his best creation of life but we divided it into different nations, religions, cultures, languages, ideologies, etc in several thousands of years since the appearance of 1st human Adam (PBUH). We don’t know when the human life on earth will be finished for ever on dooms day, but some think that human life never stop repeating it’s wrongs. Now we have seen that the days of the human being are becoming more critical, insecure, divided among our selves in different ideas, increasing of poverty, and destruction of economy of some nations in comparison with the economy of some rich countries of the west. So the time for South Asian nations to unite as a strong body which is most caring for the inhabitants of this region has come, and in this way, we can develop ourselves. I have no right to waste your valuable time, but my heart is pressing me to place this proposal or advice to the holy hearts of our great rulers of the people of SAARC countries.
Proposal for future South Asian Union (SAU)
1. The mass people of this region want to abolish visa system for them selves in order to enjoy traveling facility freely and free trade among the regional countries like EU states. We can include Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus, Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan & Philippine. The Afghan president his Excellency Mr. Hamid Karzai and his Government also shows interest for entering into SAARC.
2. If we can include thirty seven more countries (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus, Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan & Philippine) with the seven countries of SAARC (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives), then this organization or union will be one of the strongest unions. Then we can establish a powerful single currency like EURO as, for example SACU (South Asian Currency), dollar, or any other selected by the forum. And currency value can be fixed by averaging the currency values of the nations concerned.
3. All states will keep there own national flags as state flag and one common union flag, like that of EU.
4. We can establish joint military command council for the defense of the whole region like EU. That means we can unite in a union to ensure human life security along with a strong economy like European Union.
I do not know when the people of this region of South Asia will start to feel love and affection for each other, and will be united. But we should try to establish a golden future for ourselves. If successful, then generation after generation of this region will remember you for your kindness. God bless us with eternal & external peace.
Saulat Kamran
E-Mail Address: saulat@dhaka.net
Website: http://www.southasianunion.net
House No -28, Road No-4, Dhanmandi R/A.
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Proposal for Future South Asian Union (SAU)
The Proposed countries are Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan and Philippine.
South Asia (Political Map) 1999
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