Enough is enough.
Human Rights Watch: Asia : Nepal
Arrest 19 January 2006 (2) Report to OHCHR
Index First name Last name Age Sex Profession Targeted Group Date of Arrest Time of Arrest Place of Arrest By Place of detention
- Ram Chandra Poudel 62 M General Secretary Nepali Congress 19/01/2006 6.15-6.40 am Home Police NPA
- Pradeep Nepal M CPN-UML 7.00 Dallu APF Transfer to B
- Gopalman Shrestha M Acting president Nepali Congress 8.00 Baful APF Transfer to B
- Subhas Nemwang M CPN-UML 5.45 Gatekulo APF Transfer to B
- Shekhar Koirala M NC 19/01/2006 7 am Home police
- Sujata Koirala F NC 19/01/2006 7 am Home Police Gan 2 Maharagunj APF
- Ishwor Pokharel M CPN-UML Dumbalai APF Transfer to B
- Yuva Raj Karki M CPN-UML 6.40 Amnanagar APF Transfer to B
- Trilochan Dhakal CPN-UML
- Mahendra Pandey M CPN-UML 6.00 Koteshowr APF Transfer to B
- Pari Thapa 42 M United Front (UF) 6.15-6.40 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Gagan Thapa NSU
- Mahesh Shrestha 40 M Bhaktapur District Committee President NC 19/01/2006 6.00 am Home Police Gan 2
- Krishna Lal Shrestha 52 M Janaa Morcha Nepal 6.30-6.45 Home Police Gan 2
- Raghuji Panta M CPN-UML Bijechori APF Transfer to B
- Shashanka Koirala 49 M NC 19/01/2006 7 am Home Police NPA
- Keshav Badal M CPN-UML 5.45 Babahill APF Transfer to B
- Krishna Pahadi 42 M HR activist 6.15-6.40 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Shyam Shrestha 53 M Editor of Mulyankan HR activist 6.30-6.45 Home Police Gan 2
- Devendra Raj Pandey HR activist
- Mukunda Neupane M CPN-UML 5.45 Kalanki APF Transfer to B
- Bhim Rawal M CPN-UML 6.30 Katekulo APF Transfer to B
- Pradip Gyawali M CPN-UML 5.30 Bhaktapur Transfer To Bhaktpur
- Gokarna Bista M CPN-UML 6.15 APF Transfer to B
- Krishna Gopal Shrestha M CPN-UML 5.45 Balku APF Transfer to B
- Lila Mani Pokharel UF/UML
- Krishna Lal Maharjan M CPN-UML 6.15 Bal kumari APF Transfer to B
- Madhav Poudel CPN-UML
- Mitha Ram Sharma M CPN-UML 6.00 Lalitpur APF Transfer to B
- Ram Kumari Jhankri F ANNSFU 6.05 Budamagar APF Transfer to B
- Radheshwi Shiam NC
- Om Raj Rajbhak CPN-UML
- Sudharshan Acharya NC
- Lekhanaph Neupane 72 M NC Home Police Gan 2
- Rajendra Kumar Rajtala M United Front Dadikot Bhaktapur APF Transfer to B
- Bimal Pun Magar 35 M Pres. Student leader/president sano thimi campus ANNFSU 6.30-6.45 Home-Bhaktapur Police Gan 2
- Govinda Gautam 27 M President Saraswati Campus 6.15-6.40 am House Police NPA
- Rajendra Khanal M CPN-UML Nuwakot 5.15 Balaju APF Transfer to B
- Rajendra Shrestra M CPN-UML 6.30 Dobi APF Transfer to B
- Yogendra Sangroula M Unknown 5.45 Dhumbarai APF Transfer to B
- Bidur Mainali M CPN-UML New Baneshor APF Transfer to B
- Bimlendra Niddhi M NC-D 9.36 Bimsingola APF Transfer to B
- Ram Sharan Mahat NC-D
- Binod Shrestha M NCD 6.00 Putali chadak APF Transfer to B
- Omkar Shrestha 65 M NC 6.15-6.40 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Jagat Raj Shakya 65 M NC 5.30 Home Police Gan 2
- Chandra Maharjan 52 M NC 19/01/2006 Home Police Gan 2
- Prem Krishna Maharjan 40 M NC 6.00 am Home Police Gan 2
- Godul Khadka 51 M NC 5.30 Home Police Gan 2
- Chakra Banstola 60 M NC 6.15-6.40 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Khum Bdr Khadka 54 M NC 6.15-6.40 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Baldev Sharma Majhgaina M NC central committee member People Front/NC 6.15-6.40 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Govind Maharjan UF
- Dipendra Shrestha 41 M UF/JanaaMorcha Nepal 6.00 am Home Police Gan 2
- Rom Lal Maharjan 43 M People Front 6.00 am Home Police Gan 2
- Dip Ram Maharjan 47 UF/ Janaamorcha Nepal 6.00 am Home Police Gan 2
- Hari Maharjan 38 M UF/JanaaMorchan Nepal 6.00 am Home Police Gan 2
- Tulsi Maharjan 40 M People Front 6.00 am Home Police Gan 2
- Prakash Sharan Mahat M NC-D 6.30 Basbari APF Transfer to B
- Vidya Bhandari F CPN-UML Chaba hill APF Transfer to B
- Radheshayam Jhonchhe NC
- Prem Suwal 45 M Nepal Peasants Party) 19/01/2006 6.30 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Asta Laxmi Shakya UML
- Yuvaraj Gyawali UML
- Siddhilal Sing M UML 5.45 Chankamul APF Transfer to B
- Om Thapaliya M UML 5.45 Kalenki APF Transfer to B
- Yuvaraj Singh M NC
- Mathura Shrestha 72 M HR activist 6.45 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Tirtharam Dongol M Ktm DC President NC 18/01/2006
- Narayan Acharya M 19/01/2006
- Laxman Prasad Ghimire 60 M NC 6.15-6.40 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Girija Prasad Koirala M President NC 19/01/2006 House residence
- Madhav Kumar Nepal M General Secretary CPN-UML 18/01/2006 House residence
- Pradip Giri M NC-D %.45 Baneshor APF Transfer to B
- Bibindra Shrestha M UF
- Astahlaxmi Shrestha M CPN-UML
- BabuRam Thapa M President Nepal Teacher association 10.30 Office APF Transfer to B
- Babu Ram Adhikari M Secretary Nepal Teachers Association
- Kiran Neupane 31 M Student NSU 5.00 am Home-Bhaktapur Police Gan 2
- Kundan Raj Kafle 24 M NSU 8.15 Meeting Police Gan 2
- Ganesh Bhatta 30 M Student NSU 5.30 Home Police Gan 2
- Tika Gurung 34 M Student leader NSU 5.00 Home-Kirtirpur Police Gan 2
- Bhim Sirish 30 M Vice-president NC NSU 7.00 am ? Police Gan 2
- Laxman Acharya 33 M Student NSU 6.15 Home Police Gan 2
- Navina Lama CPN-UML
- Vidya Sundar Shakya M CPN-UML
- Uma Kanta Chaudhari M NC-D 7.00 Kupondol APF Transfer to B
- Kaladhar Bhandari CPN-UML
- Dipak Shah CPN-UML
- Shyam Basnet 25 M District Pres ANNFSU 5.00 Home-Bhaktapur Police Gan 2
- Dwarika Basnet CPN-UML
- Suresh Karki CPN-UML
- Bijaya Rai CPN-UML
- Prakash Neupane 28 M CPN-UML Home Police Gan 2
- Damodar Ghimire 25 M CPN_UML Home Police Gan 2
- Surendra Basnet 25 M President ANNFSU-UML Home Police Gan 2
- Raj Kumar Rai 26 M ANNFSU/Free Student Union Home Police Gan 2
- R.L Timilsina CPN-UML
- Dipesh Gautam 22 M CPN-UML Home Police Gan 2
- Binaya Dhoj Chand 54 M Central Committee NC-D 6.15-6.40 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Bijaya Kumar Rai 34 M President Student Union TU Kirtipur 7.00 ? Police Gan 2
- Sudharsan Temalsina 25 M Student Free Student Union 6.15-6.40 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Hari Acharya 51 M Central CM People Front 6.15-6.40 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Purushottam Pyakuril 24 M Pres Rural Campus Free Student Union 6.15-6.40 am Home Police-RNA NPA
- Dwarika Uperaty 28 M Publisher Roadmap Journalist 6.30-6.45 Home Police Gan 2
- Santosh Bhatarai 39 M NC 6.30-6.45 am Home Police Gan 2
- Bhopendra Bdr Thapa 46 M NC 6.30-6.45 Home Police Gan 2
- Shree Govinda Marharjung 51 M JanaaMorcha Nepal 6.30-6.45 Home Police Gan 2
- Navin Tandukar 21 M UML 6.30-6.45 Home Police Gan 2
- Gopal KC 24 M Student UML ANNFSU Home Police Gan 2
- Ram Chandra Timilsina 26 M Student UML 6.45 Balbazard Police Gan 2
- Badri Bikram Thapa 22 M Student ANNFSU 5.00 Class Police Gan 2
- Prakash Rawal 25 M Student Free student Union ? ? Police Gan 2
- Baldev Timilsina 25 M NC NSU ? Meeting Police Gan 2
- Hari Ram Acharya 24 M Student NSU 5.30 Meeting Campus Police Gan 2
- Dek Raj Bhatarai 28 M Campus president NC ? ? ? Gan 2
- Suka Ram Basnet 24 M NC-D ? at the police when he went to complaint about the arrests Police Gan 2
- Budha Bir Lama 32 M Student NC NSU ? Campus Police Gan 2
- Ranjit Sapkota 21 M 11.00 am Campus Police Gan 2
- Umesh Kuakel M UML 6.45 Pashupati APF Transfer to B
- Ram Balami M UML 5.45 NewBaneshor APF Transfer to B
- Surendra Pandey M UML 5.45 Swahambu APF Transfer to B
- Durlev Thapa M NSU Katunge APF Transfer to B
- Krishna Bahadur Rai M UML Jolparti APF Transfer to B
- Keme Raj Bhatta Mahalu M NCD 6.00 Baneshor APF Transfer to B
To: The Nashville Conference
From: Paramendra Bhagat
c/o: Shyam Karki
On Behalf Of: Several Individuals In Kathmandu And New York City
Subject: Please Donate $1500 For Round 1 Pamphleteering All Over Nepal
What we are doing at this end in the US for the democracy movement in Nepal is about 27 million people. This is not about 10 or 20 or 50 or even 5,000 of us. This is not about the 100 or 1,000 members of the seven party alliance or the civil society in Kathmandu.
If we did not instinctly appreciate democracy, we would not be in the oldest democracy ourselves. We do not need to be convinced on the ideal of democracy. The freedom that we enjoy we want the people in Nepal to enjoy because we know the taste is sweet.
We have already contributed a whole lot. Leaders in Nepal routinely say if it were not for the diaspora, the repression would have been much harsher, hope so much dimmer. But I feel we have to change gears. Offering moral support and ideas is great, but not entirely enough. We have to extend logistical support. It already has been extended at small scales. But we need to do more.
At this point I would like to request the participants of the Nashville conference to please come up with a round one sum of $1500 for nationwide pamphleteering in Nepal. We are non-violent soldiers of democracy because non-violence is more effective and meaningful. We intend to drown out the two guns with our words. We intend to show the king the groundswell of people power is a tsunami that will sweep away him and others like him, no matter who their fathers were.
I write with much hope and with hope for continued support.
Thank you.
January 17, 2006 (8 minutes) My message to the Nashville gathering through Shyam Karki. Please donate $1500 for the pamphleteering project. The idea is to reach all wadas in the country.
In The News
Govt. imposes daylong curfew in Kathmandu on Friday NepalNews .... In an apparent attempt to thwart a major demonstration of seven agitating political parties, the government on Thursday evening announced to impose daytime curfew from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Friday. ..... Home Ministry imposed the curfew orders within the Ring Road in Kathmandu Metropolitan City and Lalitpur Sub-metropolitan City and parts of Bhaktapur districts ..... Home Ministry notice came within hours after the arrest of dozens of political leaders and human rights activists.......
Their Majesties visit Khotang, Sankhuwasabha
It is a precautionary and preventive move: Home Minister Thapa ...... the government had resorted to arrest politicians and rights activists after it received information that the mass meeting and rally organized by the seven party opposition alliance on Friday was likely to turn unruly and violent....... the government had credible information of the Maoists “infiltrating” into the mass meeting being organized by the opposition alliance. Maoist chairman, Prachanda, however, made it clear in a statement that his party had no plans to “infiltrate” into the seven parties’ rally or meeting.......
Over 100 leaders, HR activists arrested: NHRC; condemnations pour in against govt clampdown ..... 59 are from the CPN (UML), 30 from Nepali Congress, nine from People’s Front Nepal (PFN), eight from the Nepali Congress (Democratic) and four leaders of the Nepal Workers and Peasants Party leaders ...... Dr Mahura Shrestha, Krishna Pahari, Dr Devendra Raj Pandey, Nilambar Acharya and Shayam Shrestha...... kept at various police stations in the capital. Security officials had started rounding up the leaders from early morning...... Nepali Congress (NC) president Girija Prasad Koirala has been placed under house arrest at his Maharajgunj residence while CPN (UML) general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal is under tight security surveillance..... Palpa, five political workers were detained by the security forces...... India and the European Union (EU) have expressed “grave concern” over the Nepal’s government’s clampdown on the political parties...... a statement issued by the Finnish Embassy that chairs the 25-member EU said, “The EU Heads of Mission in Kathmandu are extremely concerned about the recent developments in Nepal, in particular about the arrests of democratic party leaders, members of civil society and human rights activists.”
Suspicion of Maoist violence can’t justify mass arrests: OHCHR .....in apparent violation of the right to freedom from arbitrary arrest..... Security forces personnel have also visited the homes of a number of prominent human rights defenders...... Fifteen other persons have reportedly been served with three month detention orders under the PSA, following their arrest during activities in Kathmandu on 17 January which were regarded as violating the ban..... OHCHR-Nepal would be provided with the full list of those arrested and their places of detention, and would have access to them as guaranteed by the Agreement between the Government and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, as would their families....... three places of detention: Maharajgunj Police Training Academy, Maharajgunj Police Battalion Camp Number 2, and Guheswari Armed Police Force camp in Bhaktapur
Nepal govt's actions against political leaders regrettable: India The Indian government’s reaction comes hours after the government arrested dozens of senior opposition political leaders and their cadres.
EU “extremely concerned” about developments in Nepal In the first international reaction to the crackdown on opposition leaders and rights activists ...... “The EU is urgently considering implications of these developments” ...... the EU had not expected such an action from the side of the government...... the government should have reciprocated the Maoist ceasefire...... “EU will be closely observing future developments”
Japan “gravely concerned” at Nepal arrests After the European Union (EU) and India, Nepal’s largest bilateral donor, Japan has said it is gravely concerned over the arrest of persons concerned with political parties ..... has strongly urged that the (government) release political leaders and restore the freedom guaranteed by the constitution promptly.
Despite restrictions, top UML leader addresses journos Madhav Kumar Nepal, came out in the open Thursday afternoon to address a gathering of media personnel at Anam Nagar in the Nepalese capital...... Addressing a ‘Face to Face programme’ organized by the Kathmandu Branch of Press Chautari Nepal, a media group said to be close to his party, the UML leader said the seven party opposition alliance would stage demonstrations in Kathmandu Friday at any costs. He also called upon people to attend the protest rally and mass meeting....... He spent nearly an hour in the programme. He was, however, watched closely by security personnel in civil dress during the programme..... Nepal returned to his residence at Koteswore after the programme...... UML leader said dozens of his party comrades had been arrested by police and that his residence was ‘searched’ by the security personnel.
Nepal imposes curfew ahead of anti-king rally Reuters India, India
200 party leaders held in Nepal, internet, phone lines dead
Nepal's King Imposes New Crackdown
Nepal to Impose Curfew to Prevent Pro-Democracy Rally Voice of America
India condemns repression in Nepal Times of India, India
Maoist rebels' leader urges Nepalese people to defy gov't ban+
End links with Nepal rebels: Royal govt
Nepal knocks out Indian telecom firm Economic Times, India
10:27 | Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany |
11:07 | United Nations, New York, United States |
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11:25 | U.N. Development Programme, New York, United States |
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15:22 | U.N. Development Programme, New York, United States |
15:23 | United Nations, New York, United States |
15:47 | United Nations, New York, United States |
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