21- Point Programme Approved by the Cabinet Meeting Chaired by HM the King (February 2, 2005)
- Legal provisions will be put in place to (i) "nationalize" illicit wealth appropriated through abuse of authority, smuggling, tax evasion, procurement irregularities or commission and, (ii) curb corruption at its roots. Those found guilty will be severely punished. As the first step in this direction, a "fully empowered" Royal Commission will be constituted within 15 days. Additionally, the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) will be transformed into an extremely capable, impartial and fully operational body by providing it with adequate authority and resources.
- Proper mechanisms will be put in place to improve the effectiveness and transparency in the manner in which HMG/N has been providing essential services to common Nepali Citizen within 15 days. Appropriate monitoring and evaluation frameworks will also be installed. Those found to be schmoozing at work and engaging in any form of patronage/rent seeking (nepotism, cronyism etc.) will be severely punished.
- Land Bank will be set up to "distribute" land (in a manner dictated by the law) to squatters, landless farmers and freed Kamaiyas (bonded labors).
- National income growth through agriculture is essential for poverty reduction. Hence a "planned programme" aiming to bolster modern and scientific agricultural technology (that "suits" the country), large and small irrigation projects and depending on geographical possibilities, horticultural farms, special case crops, livestocks will be implemented within a month.
- Private sector will be encouraged to play active roles in the protection and development of cottage industries as well as in the development and extension of manufacturing industries and hydroelectricity. Additionally, potential hydroelectricity projects will be prioritized and implemented through the mobilization of internal and external resources.
- HMG/N will prepare and implement a master-plan to tap into the tremendous growth potential in the tourism industry. The plan will seek to provide incentives and support to promote religious tourism, small and large hotels, resorts, tourist destinations and the overall industry. In addition, requisite human resources will be trained for the "tourist security police" force in order to promote "safe tourism".
- Disabled, backward and "dalit" children enrolled in up to the secondary level in public schools will be provided with free textbooks and scholarships. Even private schools and universities will be required to designate a certain percentage of seats for the free education of disadvantaged groups, dalits, minorities and disabled students.
- Appropriate curriculum "reform" will be undertaken to reorient education towards vocational needs of the market as well as to generate "nationalistic human resources". Textbooks and educational materials will be provided efficiently and at reasonable prices to students at all levels.
- Students bearing legitimate identity cards will be entitled to subsidized fares in means of public transportation and subsidized fees in public hospitals.
- In order to do away with the disparity between the rich and the poor in urban areas including the capital city, a ceiling will be imposed on real estate holdings. In addition, legal provisions to ensuring that new houses are made in full compliance with the earthquake-proof requirements and urban development plan of HMG/N will be expeditiously put in place.
- In view of addressing the accommodation needs of an increasing population, declining land, limited extension possibility of drinking water, electricity, sanitation, telephone facilities, HMG/N, in partnership with local bodies and the private sector, will introduce "planned housing" (apartment system). This will put a check on encroachment of otherwise arable land.
- In order to increase the pace of economic growth and to increase physical connectivity, an East-West electric railway system will be developed as a medium-long run strategy. Additionally, short cuts, tunnels, waterways and ropeways will also be developed and extended wherever possible.
- Upholding the principles of decentralization, local bodies will be given maximum autonomy gradually (in a phase wise manner). Authority in the areas of political, fiscal, social, administrative and semi-legal fronts will be gradually devolved from the centre to the villages.
- In order to address the rising problem of unemployment, employment opportunities will be sought both inside and outside the country. Required training and credit will be provided to increase access to foreign jobs.
- Those affected by conflict and those (Maoists) that have (and desire to) surrender(ed) will be trained and prepared for employment at home and abroad.
- Special river training programmes will be introduced in the Terai. This will bolster transport development, flood control and irrigation endeavors of HMG/N. Additionally, the land "saved" by river control will be used to resettle and develop squatters and landless farmers.
- A "Karnali Development Programme" for the integrated development of the zone will be implemented without delay. Surkhet-Jumla road will be completed by February 2006 (within a year) and other road projects to connect other district headquaters of Karnali zone will be initiated. Special programmes will also be initiated to make local citizens "self-reliant" in the areas of agriculture, health and education.
- Reform commitments made to improve governance (ADB-GRP), public sector management (ADB-PSM), and poverty reduction (WB-PRSC) will be completed on time. Special arrangements will be made to facilitate the implementation of projects and programmes being run by various bilateral and multilateral donors.
- A "positive affirmation" policy will be implemented to increase the representation of women, janajaties and Dalits in the state machinery.
- Policy reforms to develop the private sector will be initiated without delay. Various incentives and appropriate legal frameworks will be put in place to encourage the private sector to invest in physical infrastructure.
- Development programs will be chosen and implemented by the people. To this end, special emphasis and preference will be placed on works that are implemented through local user groups (preference over outside contractors).
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