Moral Support: For the longest time, that is all there was the consensus for, that we will extend moral support. The expectations from the folks on the ground in Nepal were not much more. Democracy is such a basic, unifying theme that moral support is not hard coming by. But still there was and is much dissonance. The various organizations could work in a much greater harmony than they are used to. If you want to sample the dysfunction of the seven party alliance in Kathmandu, all you have to do is deal with the Nepali organizations in America: they fare worse, actually.
Logistical Support: In November a major leap was taken. It was decided moral support is to be continued, but logistical support is also to be provided. I think this was a major decision. I actually compare it to the Maoists moving from the goal of a communist republic to a democratic republic.
5 Projects: A lot of ideas started flying around. It was amazing how quickly specific project ideas materialized. Many people contributed to polish up the ideas. So far so good.
Numerous Mini Projects: I think we are now at this next phase. There is no central organizing authority. There is no one central leader. All who wish to contribute have the option to come forward, pick a mini project of choice, and start working. The idea is really of a rather loose constellation. The project I have been most involved with has shown some progress: Mero Sansar Video Clips.
But there also have been problems, which can always be expected when large groups are involved.
Time For Madhesi Militancy Is Now
NDF Owner, Stop This Nonsense, Reinstate Immediately
NAC Goes Proactive
In The Quest For Social Justice Feelings Are Going To Get Hurt
ND Dynamics
The Cloud Model, Not The Pyramid Model
ND Glasnost
Umesh, Turn It Into A Business
Diaspora Logistical Help To The Movement
Logistics To Bring Down The Regime
To: ND Group, c/o Puru Subedi
Nepal Democracy Google Group Does Not Believe In Free Speech
What have been some of the major problems?
Territoriality: The model is designed for it. Any interested person can participate at any stage, at any level, with an intensity of choice, publicly or anonymously. Say you are a new person, and you go to the very beginning and start arguing only moral support should be extended. Anything wrong with that? No. Because we organize and discuss online, none of the debates ever really closed. That is healthy. No decision is final. Or say you come up with a sixth project, and that is not even listed, should you refrain from carrying out? No. Or you take a look at the five projects, and you come up with mini projects within that are not specified. Can you take those ideas and run with them? Sure. Do you need anyone's permission? Heck no. I personally think small groups of 3-4 individuals working on many small projects might be the most efficient way. It will be nice if all groups kind of keep each other informed, or at least the outlines of what they might be up to. But even that is optional.
Anonymity: My idea is to act openly. If people can face the police in the streets in Kathmandu, why can't we even put up our names from the safety of the US? But that's just me. If there are people who would like to donate money, or work on the projects, but not divulge names, that would be a legitimate personal choice.
Ethnic Issues: This keeps coming up, again and again. On the Madhesi issue, for me it is a policy level thing. It is not about, oh, let's just get along. If you want me to tell you where I think you stand on the social justice issues, I have made it easy for you. Go ahead and critique this: Proposed Constitution. Other than that let's all work together on the 5 Projects in the most efficient manner possible.
Outmoded Group Dynamics: This has been the number one problem. Technology has made the cloud model possible. But people are stuck with the pyramid model in their minds.
Inertia: People who will whine endlessly, but not do anything. We have plenty of those.
I have yet to come across a person or a group who intended to donate or work on the projects who found no room to work. That is the beauty of the cloud model as opposed to the pyramid model. You have the power to decide your involvement level. You yourself are in charge.
I think if we all can think in terms of the freedom fighters in Nepal, and it is for them that we are doing the work, it should become easier for us to get along, and do our work.
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