The Hardliner Democrat Approach
The Bombing Of A Bus
The Maoists are not capable of militarily taking over the country. They never will be. And even if they were, they will not be able to sustain a regime for long. Communist republic is too archaic an idea to stick.
The myth that the king and the Maoists are stronger than the democrats is fast running out of the news cycle.
I am seriously disturbed by the INSEC report (Homework For Another Round Of Civil War) that the Maoists have abducted over 8,000 students and teachers since they declared the ceasefire.
This royal regime is on its last legs. It has only a few months left.
Why would the Maoists declare a ceasefire and not mean it?
One, they honestly declared a ceasefire, but it was not reciprocated so they had to start preparing for another round of fights. That does not hold water. You declared a ceasefire to forge a strong alliance with the democrats to seek a common minimum program of a democratic republic. The king is not part of the equation.
Two, don't blame them. If the RNA is going to come after them, they need to prepare for another round of fights. That does not hold water. There will not be another round of fights. The democrats are on their way to kicking the king out.
Three, they mean to deceive the democrats. They want to use the democrats against the king, and then crush the democrats. That would be like digging their graves. The democrats are going to take over power. That power can not be displaced with a ragtag army of 10,000 armed cadres. 10,000 armed hooligans are not going to take over 27 million freedom loving Nepalis, are not going to rule over them.
The reason the Maoists need to honestly stick to the ceasefire is because now is the time for a decisive movement. This regime has only a few months left. And a ceasefire has to be a total ceasefire. No armed action, no abductions, no extortions. Anything less is not a ceasefire.
But if the Maoist talk of a constituent assembly and a democratic republic is a sham, the democrats will march on to victory on their own, and then push the Maoists into irrelevance by eating their political and social lunch, giving mass amnesty to most of the Maoist cadres, and conducting decisive surgical operations against the leadership with the sole intention of sending them to a country tribunal. Maoists hiding in India would be hounded with Indian help.
The Maoists do not have the option to play hide and seek. They can not talk democratic republic and mean communist republic. They fool noone.
So have they or have they not abducted over 8,000 people recently? That is not a RNA claim that they have.
Another round of civil war is not an option. If the Maoists engage in another round of civil war, they stand to permanently close doors on possibilities of any alliance with the democrats and any hopes of a soft landing.
The offer of a soft landing from the democrats has not been the voice of weakness and should not be understood as such.
Or if they mean to stick to a communist republic, they should say so. On the other hand, if they mean a democratic republic, they should stick to it.
And if they stick to the communist republic mantra, I challenge them to an open ideological debate on the topic. If you are Marxist scientists, you should open yourself up to analysis. Let's debate.
Another round of civil war will seriously hamper the movement. And the democrats do not have to take it lying down.
It is very possible for the democrats to get rid of the king, and then get rid of the Maoists. The two guns are vastly overestimating their reach.
Or the two came together, they go down together.
The Maoists are not indispensable to the success of the democracy movement.
The Maoists need to come clean.
Are they serious about their ideological transformation, or Baburam Bhattarai and Prachanda do not both talk for the same party, what is it? Are they serious about a constituent assembly? A democratic republic?
If they are serious, preparing for another round of civil war is the worst possible thing they could do at this jucture of the movement.
The democrats could steal the Maoist political and social thunder like the king never could. And beyond that they will be reduced to being a law and order problem.
They will burn out. Their organization would implode.
That or the Maoists could cooperate with the democrats and hope to become one of the larger parties in a democratic Nepal. If they launch another round of the civil war, they shut doors forever.
You don't punish the democrats for mistakes made by the king. If you do, the democrats do not have to take it lying down.
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