Muncipal polls were to be in April. Now he says February. So the democrats have at best three months to get hundreds of thousands of people out into the streets, possibly less. If it is January already, and you still are only getting a thousand people here, a thousand people there, then you are going to come under some international pressure.
Tulsi Giri has said no to international observers, so this gang seems set on their program of what they might call guided democracy.
Municipal polls conducted by an illegitimate, unconstitutional regime, without international observers, with no political party participation, with the Maoists still lurking in the wings, possibly plotting to mess up the polls: it does not look all good.
My dear fellow democrats are refusing to do basic political homework. Girija is the number one villain. Either he should let go the ridiculous House revival idea, or he should go ahead and participate in the king's municipal polls. Those are the only two options he has.
Say if the king does not do what Girija wants him to do, and there is a violent overthrow of the monarchy, then do you think that revolution will revive the House? That is a laughable scenario.
I can not trust Girija unless he lets the House revival idea sink.
The biggest reason the common people are not coming out into the streets in large numbers is because of this idiotic House revival idea. The people are not for the king's autocracy, but they also do not like the idea of the 1990s democracy, sham, half-hearted democracy. The House revival idea is like going back to the 1990s. The people do not want to go back. They want to go forward.
You let go the House revival idea. That is step one. Unless that is done, nothing else is possible.
Girija is Tulsi Giri's best friend. Tulsi Giri could not stop a mass movement even if he wanted to. But Girija single handedly is in the way of a mass movement.
You get rid of the House revival idea. Then the seven of you sit down, and elect a formal leader for the movement. And you also come up with a political program.
The leader has to be formally elected by the seven members, preferably by consensus. That election has never taken place. You can not have a movement without a leader.
The Bahun democrats will not look at the 10-point program I have suggested because I talk of federalism there. And they also don't like the idea of putting their family property statements online.
Face it, there was some major corruption in the 1990s, maybe not as bad as the royal corruption, and the army corruption of today, but there was some major corruption. And the people do not want a repeat of that. And you are going to deliver, or you are going to disappear.
What do these democrats do all day? I wonder.
They will not take a look at my 10-point program. (Alliance Of Steel)
They will not take a look at my Proposed Constitution. You could look at my document and finish the job within weeks (Wish Me Luck) or you could drone through the process for six years like in South Africa. Save time, take a look at my proposal. The Bahuns will not because that might lead to federalism!
The king just went on the offensive. Now you are under some added time pressure.
He says February 8.
The challenge for us is can we make that the deadline for an end to this regime? Can we kick this regime out by February 8? That is the question facing us.
But so far the dishonest Bahuns show no signs of budging. They would rather go down than give in on issues of social justice.
There is a refusal to think through things. There is a refusal to think through the endgame. There is a refusal to think through scenarios.
Girija is in no hurry. He has declared this is to be the final struggle of his life. So if he is 83, and he is to live to be 93 or 103, are we in for a hundred years' war? Makes you think.
Finish it off. Give yourself three months, and finish this movement off. The real challenge should not have to be democracy, the real challenge has to be the economic growth challenge after democracy.
And Girija is in the way.
In The News
- Efforts are underway to restore peace in the country: HM NepalNews
- Dates for municipal elections announced
- NRN conference concludes, keeps mum on democracy and human rights
- Upadhaya warns not to abrogate the present constitution
- I/NGOs not to accept Code of Conduct
- NRNs: A progress report after two years
unitedweblog's server has gone down. I'm worried what with this draconian crackdown. If you hear anything, please report it.
I posted to the unitedweblog site earlier this afternoon (us time). I put a link to an article by a former soviet dissident names Natan Sharansky. Sharansky had what he called his "freedom" test. If you can go into a town square and shout out what your beliefs are, and have no fear of reprisal, then you live in a free country.
The post immediately before mine was from someone who identified himself as "shooter" and stated that he believed blood and weapons were the only way to get rid of the monarchy. I was shocked but chose to ignore that post and write my own thought about sharansky. A short time later, I went to the grocery store and came back about 4:30 pm EST. I briefly checked back to finish reading the article about the kings new draconian measures, and found the site was gone, with a message stating that what you are looking for is gone. So I am obviously greatly concerned for Dinesh and the other bloggers. If anyone knows what is going on, please get the word out there. Sometime feels not right to me.
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