When Prachanda finally surfaces, this dude is going to make world headlines. He is likely the most mysterious political figure on Planet Earth right now. Some major media outlets of global repute to this day think Padma Ratna Tuladhar is the real Prachanda. I mean, he could be anybody, right? Poor Padma Ratnaji.
The seven parties have finally woken up. And the balls are rolling. The clouds are gathering.
Prachanda is in a rather unique position to bring peace into the country. And this is not going to be a false peace. This is going to be a true peace that is accompanied by progress.
And to do that all Prachanda has to do is to do things he has himself, without external convincing has already long pledged to do. He has to execute his own plan. That is all.
The Maoists have been this rigid, hierarchical organization. Maoist fighters have willingly died because the party asked them to. You have to really wonder about that. Girija Koirala could not even order his party cadre to shut up.
But now Prachanda has to oder his cadres to live!
I hope Prachanda will do what only he can do, what he has already pledged he will do.
I would like to see a Prachanda leading his party in the national parliament competing with the very best of them to bring forth some of the most progressive legislation so as to strike at the foundations of social injustice and poverty that have plagued Nepali society.
As I have said before, steps 3,4,5 and 6 are already worked out. I hope Prachanda will not sacrifice those future steps by refusing to get creative and flexible with steps 1 and 2. He will have to make room for the fact that the seven parliamentary parties for one are inefficient. They also have mixed records from the 1990s. They have not been the most diligent when it boils down to doing homework.
The more leadership Prachanda shows now, more will be the dividends he and his party will stand to reap once peace descends upon the country.
What do I mean by being creative and flexible?
- If the Maoists were to unilaterally declare a ceasefire, and make it clear it will hold unless the RNA goes on another military offensive against them, do you think that will limit the RNA's options? In case you have not noticed, the RNA has fought the "image war" much more vigorously than it ever fought the military war. They will not want the world to see they breached a unilateral ceasefire announced by the Maoists.
- Outdo the RNA and this regime in terms of cooperating with the UN human rights people who are active in the country. Put the RNA to shame.
- Unilaterally engage the local cadres of all seven parties in dialogue in all the villages in the country. You don't need the permission of the leaders of those parties to do that.
- Codify your fundamental departure from classic Maoism. You are not sacrificing your progressive thinking. What might have been good for Mao in the China of the 1930s might not be the best stuff for Nepal today. Your already stated goal of a peaceful transformation of the state is new thinking within the communist camp. Make it official.
- Retrain all your local level cadres to your new thinking. The more of this you do, larger your party will be once peace is achieved. They are going to have to win hearts and minds the peaceful way. These seven parties are your potential comrades now and your future competitors within a peaceful space later.
Between Drinking Water And Helicopters
Logic For The Maoists
The Two Extremes
Caste Discrimination Leads To War
Proposed Democratic Republican Constitution