..... posted at this SEBS thread ......
When I read the name in the news, I did not for one moment doubt. Of course, this is Uttar.
First, let me get the politics out. My thoughts I have published publicly and are here: http://demrepubnepal.blogspot.com/
The political system/arrangement is wrong, et al. But that aside.
(1)My first reaction was, I did not know Uttar was a "Dalit." I guess I am not very knowledgeable with Pahadi last names. He is a high school classmate. He was House Captain in Pumori, a few years after Dipendra was. He was "loud" and articulate. He acted in a play I authored and directed and also acted in towards the end of Class 10: Euta Euta Bhabishya Ko Khoj. I once saved him from drowning. Literally. What he might not have exhibited in terms of stellar academic records (a lot of "famous" people fall in that category), he more than showed in his post-BNKS social service career. It is almost like two Uttars. The guy at BNKS, and the post-BNKS person.
(2)He has proven leadership skills. And I think he has done great work in the social service sector. It is entrepreneurial to be able to raise funds from the global arena to put to service to the downtrodden in the Nepali context. His work is commendable. Not many from his school background have done what he has. A lot of us who are abroad and have not been able to directly contribute speak well of those who are on the ground where the tire meets the road. Commendable.
(3)I also learned in the news item that he leads a Dalit organization that has branches in 68 districts. I think that is just awesome.
(4)I strongly disagree with the 2/1 move. Obviously he agrees with it, or he would not have become part of it. He has the qualifications and the background. A Dalit with leadership skills, he could have become Minister and beyond (and still can down the line) in a democratic set-up. I hope he does.
(5)It is also possible for him to treat his job as purely an administrative challenge. I hope he does not end up soiling his "resume." People in his post in the past are known to have lead gross human rights violations. If he does that, he hurts himself politically down the line. Which will be a tragedy.
(6) If he can emerge as a person who took a challenge that was offered at a difficult time for the country, he could very well have a bright future once the democratic setup resumes. I can see Paras' fingerprints all over the place in Uttar's nomination, but then social networking is something practiced among all circles, among democrats, among Maoists, as well among the Monarchists. Just that there is not enough cross-pollination.
(7)He has abilities. He is not going to be a token Dalit. He is an able person who happens to be a Dalit. That combination can turbo-charge a career.
(8)It can't be a batch thing, really. Dinesh Prasain from the same batch. The guy got beat up by the army in early 2004. Paras from the same batch is Gyanendra's heir apparent. Some SEBSers are Maoists. SEBS is a Rainbow Coalition of its own.
I wish him all the best personally, but I hope this regime collapses a.s.a.p. But I have said plenty on that at the blog.
In The News
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