Why is he in power in the first place? What is his reasoning?
(1) Because Monarchism as an ideology is superior.
Nothing could be further from the truth. He has described Maoism as an arachaic ideology in international forums. If Maoism is 50, or 70 years old and defunct, Monarchism is 200, or 2,000 or 5,000 years old and defunct.
Monarchism does not even remotely compete with democracy as an ideology. He has no ideological grounds to be in power.
A monrachy makes little statistical sense.
(2) Because he as a person has superior skills at statecraft.
The records show otherwise. Before he became king, the Maoists were active only in a few districts. Now they are active in all districts. Most of the lives that have been lost to the insurgency have been lost on his watch. Nepal is right at the bottom when it comes to respect for human rights on the planet. The economy is down. The limited peace that has been achieved has been at the behest of the seven party alliance and the Maoists. He has been a total failure.
You talk peace but refuse to reciprocate a ceasefire and get further isolated internationally, because it has become so obvious to one and all that peace is not what you are interested in. Either you are against peace, or you are simply inept. Both build a strong case against you.
You talk democracy and foist Tulsi Giri on the people. That guy has a fundamental character deficiency when it comes to democracy.
But if the king is smarter, better skilled than the likes of Madhav Nepal and Girija Koirala and Baburam Bhattarai, then that actually is a case for a republic. Because he is then saying it is not the Monarchist ideology, but his being an exception to the line of kings why he deserves a chance.
If he is an exception to the line of inept, dumb kings, he is an argument against the monarchy as an institution.
(3) Because the country needs peace and democracy.
He is the reason why there is neither. He is preventing peace. He is the one who uprooted democracy. Democracy is milk, the king is a cat. Cats are not known to guard milk too well.
(4) Because he really is a constitutional monarch at heart.
Then he needs to get out of the way as soon as possible. His only option is to come to the idea of a constituent assembly as soon as possible. And then get on best behavior so that parties that are for a constitutional monarchy will have a case to make to the people. Right now he has lost even the RPP. He is not exactly acting like someone trying to preserve the monarchy.
He is giving the country two options: that it is between an executive monarchy or an activist monarchy.
A constitutional monarch is neither seen nor heard. And even that he can only get if the people might so desire. Otherwise he is out.
He has really been trying the patience of the people all over the country, and all over the world.
December 31, 2005 (15 minutes) The king has refused to reciprocate the ceasefire. That is extremely unreasonable. Monarchism is an archaic ideology. And if he is an exceptionally smart guy, that actually is a case for a republic. If the Maoists go back to violence, that hurts the democracy movement. The king is losing even the RPP. Non-violence is more effective as a political weapon. The diaspora needs to rise above petty territoriality and elitism and express solidarity in large numbers through large scale moral and logistical support.
Monarchism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Monarchism is the advocacy of the establishment, preservation, or restoration of a monarchy as a form of government in a nation.
monarchism: Definition and Much More From Answers.com
basic.theology.forums > Monarchism
monarchism - definition of monarchism by the Free Online ...
TRINPsite: Book of Fundamentals: Monarchism
Amazon.com: Democracy, Revolution, and Monarchism in Early ...
Democracy, Revolution, and Monarchism in Early American Literature
Monarchism - Reviews on RateItAll Moody’s Gorgeous Life » Monarchism
Democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Democracy in its ideal sense is the notion that "the people" should have control of the government ruling over them. This ideal is pursued by implementing a system of voting such that the majority of people rule, either directly or indirectly through elected representatives.
Democracy Now!
Democracy For America
The Center for Democracy and Technology
MoveOn.org: Democracy in Action
Democracy in international politics - openDemocracy
Center for Voting and Democracy
National Endowment for Democracy
LWV | Home
Democracy in America
Republicanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Republicanism is the idea of a nation being governed as a republic. In a broad definition a republic is a state or country in which sovereignty is invested in the people. Most commonly such principle beyond the control of the state's citizens is a hereditary principle, and in this sense a republic is the opposite of a monarchy. Thus the term republicanism is often used to describe any movement that is opposed to monarchies.
Australian republicanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reader's Companion to American History - -REPUBLICANISM
Republicanism and Democracy
Oxford Scholarship Online: Republicanism
The Genesis of Republicanism: The Birth and Growth of the Grand ...
Townhall.com :: Columns :: Republicanism in decline by Tony Snow
[PDF] MODELING FLORENTINE REPUBLICANISM John F. Padgett Santa Fe ... Republicanism, Democracy, and Constitutional Government: The ...